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Bold scenes and heads turn as a cowboy drags his dying companion to a secluded cabin - only to find the door locked from the inside. The world's most wanted outlaw, Juan Miranda, has been living incognito at this remote location for six months, after escaping from prison with a stolen wagon full of money. After struggling for breath and frantically pounding on the door, he finally gives up hope. But days later when he returns to check on his friend's body, it's gone! Where could it have gone? Maybe somebody knows something... In this 2012 Hindi movie Blood Money 720p HD2012 Moviemp4 13, Graham heads into the dense forest in search of answers about what happened that fateful night. But on the way, Graham learns the true meaning of "blood money" as he discovers a woman held captive by a sadistic mountain man. But this is far from a rescue. In fact, this turns out to be an abduction! Now, Graham must find a way to rescue the woman and escape from the hut without being caught by her captor. And of course, that's just half of his problems. He also has to figure out how he's going to get back out of the forest alive... https://www.facebook. com/2012BloodMoney#!/2012BloodMoney http://www.datempelife. com/2012-blood-money-download.html*.html Vancouver Film Critics Circle for "Blood Money" (2011)Satellite, The Postmedia Network, Amazon, E Movie Database, IMDB, Streaming Movies Online http://www.newbollywoodreviews. http://www.santaquintaonline. com/newsflashprintnewsletters?page=13&id=3382&news=56908 http://lovesindiacinemaonamissionbloggermoviebloggerthinkerauthorauthormateviewdiarytaggedtrio https://www.facebook. cfa1e77820