I have this same problem and did this same fix but it didn't work. I checked the serial number for generals and it doesn't have the dashes but I can get on generals online fine, just a problem with zero hour online. Anyone come across this problem before?
Command And Conquer Generals Zero Hour Keyl
First: start menu > run > type "regedit" > ok (regedit opens)I had to change the serial numbers using regedit in both places:==> hkey_local_machine/software/wow6432node/electronic arts/ea games/command andconquer generals zero hour/ergc==> hkey_local_machinesoftwareelectronic artsea gamescommand and conquer generals zerohourergcFor you who want to play network only, use different serial number for each computer.(erase all the "-")Pnja-tda6-tw3g-n48d-5dhqPfbb-spap-tyz2-h6ue-cmtpYm2s-pvc6-rl2t-ut89-sw8tQfyy-ceqt-j4g8-3uwq-48uyN3xf-mgw6-glee-8s2a-yasuAzne-p748-w8c4-ssws-4e8sQj9h-w286-yvkx-vx6z-kn7cYhjs-gvkt-4u9y-duw4-5622El22-2w4z-p45k-jul7-cqywUn7p-g6sa-yag4-4yl4-sg2wP77f-lsaq-tt7n-h796-h4pvPffp-ffat-t3r8-bkcg-fvdpPa6n-nyal-tufj-8fmh-bnhqP5wn-9aa4-tmll-bgdd-hlyyPn7p-r8ak-tgjj-6vev-y29c 2ff7e9595c