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My Lovely Daughter [key Serial Number]


The Duffle Sac is hands down one of my most essential bags. I call it my Mary Poppins bag because I swear I could fit a whole horse in one of these things. The Duffle Sac is one of the earliest styles that Coach started making, dating back to the late 1960s. They were in production all the way until the early 2000s, and much like the Willis, there were some remakes of this style in Coach's 2012 Archive collection. The one in the image with the seam down the middle is from the late 60s or early 70s. It was made before Coach used their signature creed and serial numbers, so it only has a tiny "Coach" stamp in it that helps me date it. These are known as "pre-creed" bags. Coach bags like this were made in their factory in New York City up until around 1980, when they expanded their factories to elsewhere in the U.S.

In the 1970s, Coach serial numbers were 7 numbers in the format XXX-XXXX. The numbers didn't mean anything, but the bags did come with mail-in papers that you could write your bag's serial number on and mail in to register the bag.

My Lovely Daughter [key Serial Number]

From around 1980-1994, the serial number still consisted entirely of numbers, but was now in the format XXXX-XXX. It is more difficult to pinpoint the exact date of bags with this kind of serial number since it spans a wider time period.

From 1994 onward through the 2000s, Coach serial numbers became more structured and meaningful. They now consisted of both numbers and letters in the format YXY-XXXX. The first 3 characters provide information about the bag's manufacturing. The first letter indicates the month during which the bag was made. Coach used letters A through M (excluding letter I) to represent the months (so a bag with letter A was made in January, letter B was February, letter C was March, and so on). The second character was a number that indicated the year of manufacture. The number corresponds with the last number in the year, so a bag made in 1998 for example would have an 8 as its second character. Finally, the third character indicates where the bag was made. Coach made bags primarily in the US, but also in Turkey, Hungary, and Costa Rica.

It took me a long time and a lot of research to spot fake Coach bags. Some things are dead giveaways: for example, zipper pulls/hardware marked "Coach," a serial with only 5 digits, or a creed with misspellings or that reads "made in Korea" always indicate a fake. It takes a well-trained eye to spot some of the more realistic fakes. Sometimes, the creed may read the same as a real creed and the serial number may be in the correct format, but the bag is still fake. A good starting place if you are unsure of authenticity is to Google search the last 4 numbers in the serial number (if the bag was made after 1994) to see if the serial number is valid. Pay close attention to the quality of the stamping; if the stamp appears very faint, it is not always fake, but it is a possibility. Additionally, pay attention to the font style. It may be helpful to compare the creed to one that is certainly real.

As my passion for this lovely girl increased daily, it was time to think of concerting some plan to secure its gratification. Old BERTRAND watched the golden fruit like the Hesperian Dragon. His presence being most unpropitious to the success of my amours, it became necessary to remove him. He had more than once observed to me, that the stock of cattle was by no means sufficient for the quantity of my land, and thatPage 16I should lose considerably by delaying to increase it. Nothing could be more fortunate. As his skill and probity were unquestionable, I gave him a commission to purchase for me, in person, whatever number of sheep and oxen he thought necessary; and the country under the PYRENEES being the place fixed upon where they could be best procured, his journey thither, and his return, retarded too by the slow march of my cattle, would unavoidably take up sufficient time to allow opporportunities enough for the execution of my amorous operations. Farewell, good BERTRAND! With the innocence of a Patriarch, thou art gone upon a Patriarch's errand, andPage 17no Angel will meet thee on the way, and turn thee back to avert the woe which is at home preparing for thee. He embraced his weeping daughter tenderly at parting, but little knew it was his last embrace.



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